Are These the Best Hudson Valley Wine Bars?
When looking around the Hudson Valley for places to take a few wine friends that I have coming for a visit, I started to look into what wine bars are in the area and what is a wine bar?
The definition that I found online is " a small bar or restaurant where wine is one of the major beverages available." In my mind, a wine bar is a place that has a hand crafted or curated wine list. This includes really solid or different wines available by the glass, but there also needs to be some beer for my beer geek friend. You know what I am talking about. The one friend who only drinks, blah blah micro brew that is only available no where real humans exist.
So, doing my research I looked at,, and plus asked a few people that I know. Here is the list that we came up with.
In no particular order:
If we are missing your favorite place, please let us know, why you think we should include it and send us a photo of your favorite thing you enjoy while you are there to Thanks.