What does Modern Day Wind Shipping look like in New York
If you have lived in the Hudson Valley for a while or spent any time in Kingston on the Rondout you are sure to have heard about the rich shipping history that traveled up and down the Hudson River.
Back when things were transported up and down the Hudson River for supplies and trade New York City had a much different skyline. Long before there were thruways, trucks, and even trains there was the shipping business on the Hudson River. Items came into the Hudson Valley and left the Hudson Valley on ships. The Schooner Apollonia has brought that tradition back in a unique way that they are looking forward to sharing with you.
Schooner Apollonia Offers Charters in July Along the Hudson River, New York
The Schooner Apollonia has brought back the practice of shipping items back and forth down the Hudson River. The idea was to re-establish transporting cargo in a sustainable way on the Hudson River and in the greater New York Harbor by using wind, current, and tide. Since its inception, the Apollonia and her crew have completed 13 round trips from the Hudson Valley to New York City.
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The Apollonia says they aren't a history lesson but instead a look to the future. They are hoping to be the beginning of the return of shipping from port to port on the Hudson River. "Windshipped - Sail Freight Comes to the 21st Century"
Can You Still Ship Items By Boat on the Hudson River?
If this makes you curious or you just want to see what it is like to sail up and down the Hudson River as part of a forward-thinking project you maybe who the Apollonia is looking for to come aboard. In a recent Facebook post, they stated that they are looking for people who want to join the July rooster. They are also offering limited passenger charters. Click here for booking information.

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