Your Good Deed Could Get You Punished in New York
It is hard nowadays not to care about wildlife, especially the little ones, but the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is reminding us that it is important to let nature run its course.
It is important that we understand the difference between an animal in distress who may need rehab and an animal that is just living life the way they do in the wild. It can be difficult to tell the difference when we discover them in our path.
SEE Also: Think Before Helping a Baby Bird
One of the many ways the lines get blurred between humans and wildlife is when we as humans feel the need to assist, aid, and even feed wild creatures. It may be cute at first to have a squirrel or even a raccoon who taps on your back door for food but the reality is that it is not good for the animal.
More importantly, you may not realize it but it is illegal to feed certain wild animals in New York State. Even worse it is wrong to bait them when hunting but that is a topic for another time.
It is Illegal to Feed these Wild Animals in New York
There are times that animals may need to be assisted even with food supply. A rehab professional should always be consulted if you see an animal you think is distressed. As for just feeding wildlife that we encounter around our homes, there is something you should know. There are 3 animals that it is illegal to feed.
In New York State there are three animals it is illegal to feed.
1 - The Bear
2 - The Deer
3 - The Moose
Don't Feed the Wild Animals in New York State
It is a bad idea to feed wildlife. When the cuteness wears off the animal you are feeding has to return to a world where they have to fend for themselves that transition can lead to problems plus human food is not always good for wildlife. The preservatives, sugar, and salt can all affect their health.

Hudson Valley Wildlife Gallery
Gallery Credit: Paty Quyn
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