What Are Paczki?

If you're craving a seasonal sweet treat, you're in luck because Paczki season is upon us!

What exactly is a paczki? Taste of Home explains that paczki are a "traditional Fat Tuesday snack that originated in Poland." They add it was created hundreds of years ago and made up of ingredients at the time that were off limits during lent.


Those off limits ingredients include butter, sugar, lard and milk.

Present day, paczki are still made the same way and now filled with jellies and creams, then dusted in sugar.

The biggest topic of conversation around paczki isn't about how delicious it taste, but more the pronunciation. Many say it's pronounced poonch-kee.

Where to Get Paczki in the Hudson Valley?

There's one location in Ulster County that I personally know is always stocked for Paczki season.

I know I can count on Deising's Bakery and Restaurant every year for the Paczki hook up. This year Deising's will be offering Paczki starting January 24th through Fat Tuesday, which lands on March 4th, 2025 this year.

As we mentioned before Paczki are a traditional polish donut, and with that being said most Polish Bakeries carry them. Florida Bakery and Deli in Florida, New York is also known for the Paczki around Fat Tuesday.

Take a look at their Paczki from last year:

Where do you get your paczki?

From Pastry Season to Cookie Season, Girl Scouts Your Up!

If you're not a fan of Paczki, but still want a sweet treat here's some good news: Girl Scout Cookie season is upon us!

Starting this month until April you'll be able to support your local Girl Scout Troop and enjoy delicious Thin Mints, Tagalongs, Samoas, and Do-si-Do's!

However, if your favorite Girl Scout Cookies are the S'mores or Toast-Yay's you should probably stock up this year.


Earlier this week, the Girl Scouts of America announced they will be discontinuing S'mores and Toast-Yay's after the 2025 cookie season. Hopefully, this will make room for new and improved flavors in 2026!

Do You Remember These Girl Scout Cookie Flavors?

Can You Remember Your Favorite Girl Scout Cookie growing up?

As much as we enjoy Girl Scout Cookies in 2023, we often miss the ones that we used to love growing up. Have you heard of my personal favorite Girl Scout Cookies that are now retired?

Shortbread cookies are always a win. This Girl Scout Cookie was dipped in chocolate and it also had a friendly message on it. It had the words "Thank You" on it.

Ole Oles
These powdered sugar cookies were delicious. They also had pecans and coconut mixed in and were reduced fat.

Lemon Chalet Creme
This was one of my favorite lemon cookies to ever exist. How could a lemon sandwich cookie ever go wrong? The added cinnamon and ginger made it one of a kind.

I remember that these cookies were named after the founder of The Girl Scouts, Juliette Low. It reminded me of a chocolate turtle with its being covered in caramel, pecans and milk chocolate.

Ra Ra Raisens
This was unlike your ordinary raisin cookie. This Girl Scout Cookie brought in oatmeal and yogurt chips with the raisins.

Savannah Smiles
This Girl Scout Cookie knew how to put a smile on your face. They were lemon wedge cookies with powdered sugar.

Which Girl Scout Cookies Are Your Favorite?

I loved the Girl Scout Cookies that were discontinued but also enjoy the present day one as well.

Gallery Credit: Allison Kay

Where to buy some of the best Paczki in Connecticut

Now that you know how to say it, where do get some of the best paczki around Connecticut?

Gallery Credit: Getty Images/Google

18 Hudson Valley Bakeries With the BEST Black & White Cookies

From Kingston to Poughkeepsie, to Ellenville and Newburgh. We've got the B&W cookie map covered for you. Who's down for a Hudson Valley Black and White Cookie road-trip-taste-test?

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