Popular Pool Gets Grant Money from New York State
This was not the summer to not have a swimming pool but that is exactly what happened to many people in Ulster County who rely on the Ulster County Pool as their place to cool off from the summer heat.
The season hadn't even gotten underway when it was reported that the Ulster County Pool located next to the Ulster County Fairgrounds in New Paltz, was not holding water. The County closed the pool down for safety reasons and began to try to find the source of the leak.
Ulster County Pool Complex is Awarded a NY Swims Grant
After a few days, it was determined that the pool was going to have to stay closed. The extent of the leak was going to require major repair work to the decades-old pool. As you can imagine many people were very disappointed. Some community pools were able to help by opening their pools to county poolgoers.
Fast forward to the end of summer and there is good news. Word came down later last week that the Ulster County pool was going to get its repairs and then sum. It turns out they were awarded almost $4 million from a grant called NY Swims.
What are NY Swims and the DASNY
NY Swim is part of DASNY a program that was started by then-Governor Thomas E. Dewey.
The Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY) is a public benefit corporation authorized to finance and build higher education, health care, mental health, court, and other public purpose facilities across New York State. (DASNY.org)
The program this year is helping many pool and swim sites in the Hudson Valley Region. The Ulster County pool complex is just one of the many recipients of some $40 million in Capital grant money. Over all 130 different organizations are benefiting from this program.
The grant will enable us to replace the pool deck, pool bottom and piping and install a new gutter system. We will also add zero-depth entry ramps, which makes it safer and easier for children and people of all abilities to enter the pool, and install a modern spray ground for the kids! (Ulster County Government via Facebook)

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Gallery Credit: Paty Quyn
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