The Town of Wappinger shared a heartbreaking story on Thursday, September 26th about an abandoned small dog that was discovered in the area.

Now, The Town of Wappinger Dog Control is looking for any information about how this pup ended up in such an appalling condition.

Abandoned Dog Discovered in the Town of Wappinger

The Town of Wappinger shared that early in the morning on September 26th, someone reached out to the Town of Wappinger Animal Control regarding a seemingly abandoned dog that was having difficulty moving.

Animal Control arrived at the scene in the area of Robert's Mobile Home Park near Pye Lane and Montfort Road where they found the distressed dog.

Town of Wappinger via Facebook
Town of Wappinger via Facebook

The dog was taken by Dog Control Officer Jerry Owen and brought to a nearby animal hospital for what the Town of Wappinger described as, "lifesaving medical attention."

Potential Humane Law Violation in Wappinger

According to the New York State Bar Association, if an animal is left alone in a public area like a street or road to the point of disablement, or left to die by an owner, that owner is in violation of New York's Humane Law.

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The punishment for this kind of cruelty ranges depending on the specific circumstances and severity. However, fines and even jail time can be the result of committing such a cruel crime to an animal.

Town of Wappinger Looking for Information

The Town of Wappinger is asking the public for any information about who may have owned this dog or what might have caused it such harm and distress.

SEE ALSO: Can You Legally Break a Car Window to Rescue a Dog in New York?

They are also asking the public to reach out if anyone is interested in owning or fostering the dog.

If you have any information about this crime or are interested in homing this dog, you can reach out to Town of Wappinger Dog Control Officer Jerry Owens at 845-297-1030.

Illegal Pets To Own In New York State

Hudson Valley Pets

Pets can be product spokesanimals in this age of social media. Nationally they earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. So we asked Hudson Valley pet parents what their fur baby could endorse. Here are just a few of the many who responded. Good luck to those who want to be an InFURencer

Gallery Credit: Paty Quyn