During the pandemic many people turn to alcohol more often than they had before the pandemic. In January Very Well Health released a study regarding who was drinking more during the pandemic. One of the take a ways was that more people were drinking. The reasons varied for the increase.

With many of us staying home with less to do there was more opportunities to drink. And of course the virtual happy hours didn't help. Add to that the fact that suddenly you could get you favorite cocktail to go and it shouldn't surprise anyone that more of us were find a reason to kick back with an adult beverage.

I am bring all of this up because April is Alcohol Awareness month and thanks to the Ulster County Sheriff's Office sharing a great graphic on their Facebook page on April 8, 2021 we can take a look at some responsible alcohol strategies. In the post they shared that alcohol is the most used substance by youth and adults in the United States.

The 10 suggestions made in the graphic make a lot of sense even if you aren't out with friends drinking. When we are at home we can lose track of drinks especially if we are virtually hanging out chatting with friends. I can remember a few virtual happy hours this time last year where friends and I were thinking "How long could the shutdown last?" And we were treating our home confinement as a reason to create new fun cocktails just to add a theme.


Drinking responsibly can be fun and being creative with themed cocktails can also add to the party. The key is to make sure you keep in mind the 10 steps above that way it stays fun and everyone stays safe. Cheers.

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