Grand Cru Beer & Cheese Market, 6834 Mill St, (Route 9) in Rhinebeck is having another Seinfeld focused trivia night. This next one will be held on September 16, 2017 at 7pm.

I went to the first one with a couple of friends, thinking I might know enough to answer one or two questions and help my team mates out. What really happened? I felt so bad about not knowing any of the answers, I kept buying beer for my teammates to make up for my lack of knowledge. Somehow, my teammates weren't all that upset that I didn't know too much.

The person who is the mc or host of the evening is Todd Germann and from what I can tell by chatting with him, he is a walking, talking Seinfeld force not to be with messed with. If you don't know much about the classic TV show, he will welcome you to play alone or as a member of a team. If you want to play, but don't have people to team up with, don't worry, the crowd at Grand Cru is pretty friendly and welcoming, especially if they think you can help them win!

So, what do you say? Can you make Kramer proud?

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