Warmer weather means our insect friends are out.

It's prime tick season in the Hudson Valley. In fact, our area is one big tick born disease region. So much so, that ticks were found in the local area that carried a brain swelling virus. So I have some tips from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Livestrong to keep you safe from ticks this spring and summer.

The CDC recommends walking in the middle of trails, not near brushy edges. They also say to simply avoid high grass and wooded areas. One of their biggest pieces of advice is to use tick repellent that has at least 20% or more DEET, picaridin, or IR3535. When applying repellent to clothing, use products that have permethrin.

Livestrong says that tick and mosquito illnesses have tripled and gave some advice as well.  On top of repellent, they recommend creating a 'shield' around yourself, by wearing long sleeves, a hat, bandana around the next, and tucking your pants into shoes. They even say that spraying your feet with repellent really helps, because ticks are typically low to the ground.

Follow these tips and you'll be sure to have less of a chance of getting bit by a tick.



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