A violent fight that took place at a local mall is getting lots of attention online.

The violent altercation looks pretty intense, but viewers should note that the scuffle actually happened one year ago this week.

For some reason, we noticed a spike in views of the fight. Perhaps the reason is that it's the one year anniversary of the insane spectacle at the Poughkeepsie Galleria. Footage posted on September 14 of 2017 shows two groups of young men fighting and punching each other. Two of the men continue to fight as someone who appears to be a security guard attempts to intervene. One of the fighters then picks up a garbage can and throws it at the other.

The fight continues as a female begins to scream and yell at one of the men, eventually taking a heavy object off of a nearby kiosk and hurling it at him. A member of the other group then picks up the object and appears to attack the man with it as the security guard chases him away.

As of this week there were close to 29,000 views of the video . Before posting footage of the fight last year, we reached out to the Poughkeepsie Galleria for a statement about the incident but they declined to comment.

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